Costume created for Hera Syndulla from the animated series Star Wars Rebels (Season 4 civilian version). This costume appeared in the season 4 episode “The Occupation”, wherein the Ghost Crew returns to Lothal in attempt to liberate its citizens from the hands of the Empire. I fell in love with this costume the moment I saw it, and started working on it in November of 2017. I learned a lot in making this (such as working with leather for my flight cap), and first wore it to WonderCon 2018 in Anaheim, California.
As of mid-April 2018, this costume is Rebel Legion approved, and covers a lot of firsts and seconds: it is my first Legion-approved costume, a Legion second for the costume itself (the first being the lovely Xena/poetryincostume of Elstree Base), a North American first for the costume, and an Endor Base (Northern California, Central California, and Alaska) first for the character.
Photos featured on this page are courtesy of BlizzardTerrak Photography (@blizzardterrak, Facebook).